How to Develop Emotional Intelligence as a Start-up Founder

business owners entrepreneurship Sep 26, 2024

Written by Sandra Benbow

Having worked with start-ups for over a decade, I've seen how Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is essential for founders navigating the unpredictable world of entrepreneurship. EQ is the ability to recognise, understand, and manage your emotions and those of others. Founders who invest in developing their EQ are better equipped to handle stress, build stronger relationships, and create a positive work environment. 


Here are my top seven tips to help you build your EQ:

1. Self-Awareness 


Being self-aware is the foundation of emotional intelligence. To better understand yourself, take a free personality test such as 16 Personalities: This will give you an indication of your strengths and weaknesses, helping you understand yourself and areas to work on. 

2. Practice Self-Reflection

Regularly practising self-reflection can help you understand how emotions influence decisions and actions. Take a few minutes to assess your reactions during stressful moments. Ask yourself questions like, “Why did I react that way?” or “How did my emotions impact my team?” By identifying patterns in your behaviour, you can gain better control over your emotional responses, making you a more effective leader. Make it a habit to journal and reflect at the start of each week.

3. Seek Feedback 

One of the most valuable ways to improve EQ is by seeking feedback. If you don’t yet have a team, speak to peers or mentors. Others can see your blind spots more clearly than you can. Encourage open communication and ask for honest feedback on handling stress, communicating, or managing conflicts. This can help you recognise areas for improvement and better understand how your leadership style impacts others emotionally.

4. Improve Your Active Listening Skills


Being able to listen actively is a key component of emotional intelligence. Getting caught up in your ideas and decisions is easy as a start-up founder, but listening to others without interrupting or pre-judging their thoughts is critical. Focus on understanding not just the words but the emotions behind them. Practising empathy through active listening will help you build stronger relationships. 

5. Manage Stress Effectively


Start-up life is stressful, and managing that stress plays a big role in your EQ. Developing techniques to manage stress, such as mindfulness, meditation, or simply taking regular breaks, can help you stay balanced and focused. When you can control your stress levels, you can better manage difficult situations without becoming reactive or overwhelmed. 

6. Learn to Respond, Not React


One of the hallmarks of high EQ is the ability to respond thoughtfully rather than impulsively to challenges. When faced with a high-pressure situation, pause before responding. Take a moment to process your emotions and consider the best action. 

7. Build Resilience


Embrace failure as part of the journey and learn from mistakes; you’ll be better equipped to bounce back and inspire others to do the same. Resilience also helps you maintain long-term motivation and a positive mindset, essential for start-up success.

Emotional intelligence is an often-underestimated skill that can significantly impact your startup’s success. By practising these tips, you can start building your EQ today. 

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