Resilience & Discipline: The Business Owner's Guide

business owners entrepreneurship leadership Aug 22, 2024

Written by Charlotte Steel

Let me get straight to the point: running a business is tough. 

It’s not easy, 100% happiness everyday and setting up your laptop in your local coffee shop whilst basking in the glory of ‘freedom’, like how some people showcase on LinkedIn. The path to success is mixed with challenges that can break you if you’re not prepared. You need more than just a good idea—you need resilience and discipline. Resilience helps you bounce back from the hard challenges, while discipline keeps you focused and on track. If you’re serious about succeeding, these two traits aren’t optional—they’re essential. 

Let’s get you started…

The Importance of Resilience and Discipline in Business

Resilience is your ability to recover quickly from difficulties. In business, things rarely go as planned… every business owner has got a story to share here. Whether they choose to is a different matter. Maybe a major deal falls through, a key employee quits, or a product launch doesn’t meet your expectations. Without resilience, these setbacks can knock you off course, or worse, call it a day on your dream. Resilient business owners don’t just survive tough times—they use them as fuel to drive their businesses forward. They see criticism as an opportunity to improve, not as a personal attack. They understand that every setback is temporary and that what matters is how you respond. Start to celebrate the red flags because they’re opportunities to lead to a better solution.


Discipline, on the other hand, is the pillar of consistent success. It’s what keeps you on track when distractions and temptations arise. Discipline is about sticking to your plan, even when it’s easier to take shortcuts or give in to procrastination. I’ve been guilty as charged with this one! Without discipline, you might have bursts of productivity, but you’ll struggle to maintain steady progress toward your goals. Discipline is what turns your vision into reality by ensuring that you’re consistently taking the right actions, even when you don’t feel like it. 

Reality check - it’s not going to be easy but you must push through the barrier! 


Together, resilience and discipline create a powerful combination. Resilience keeps you in the game, and discipline keeps you moving forward. Master both, and there’s no limit to what you can achieve… No BS! 

Action Tips

 1. Embrace Red Flags as Learning Opportunities 

When things go wrong—and they will—don’t waste time feeling sorry for yourself or pass on blame. Analyse what happened, figure out what you can learn from it, and move on. The faster you can turn setbacks into learning opportunities, the more resilient you’ll become.


2. Develop a Routine and Stick to It

Discipline thrives on routine. Create a daily schedule that aligns with your goals and stick to it. This isn’t about being rigid—it’s about creating a structure that keeps you focused and productive. When you have a clear plan for your day, it’s easier to stay on track and resist distractions. Create the schedule around what works for you and when you are at your optimum performance level. For me, my creative time where I need to focus more than 2 hours is between 8pm - 1am. This won’t work for everyone, but it works for me and I am done with trying to change my wiring. The point here is to not follow someone else’s schedule - make your own that works for you so you’re not battling against yourself. 


3. Set Clear, Achievable Goals

Resilience and discipline are much easier to maintain when you know exactly what you’re working towards. Set specific, measurable goals for your business, and break them down into actionable steps. You can even do this for yourself on a personal level. This gives you a clear target to aim for and keeps you motivated when the going gets tough.


4. Build Mental and Physical Resilience 

Resilience isn’t just mental—it’s physical too. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and sufficient sleep all contribute to your ability to handle stress and bounce back from challenges. Take care of your body, and your mind will be stronger for it.


5. Practice Self-Discipline in Small Things  

Discipline is like a muscle—the more you use it, the stronger it gets. Start by practicing self-discipline in small areas of your life. Whether it’s sticking to a workout routine, limiting your screen time, or consistently waking up early, these small acts of discipline will strengthen your ability to stay focused on bigger business goals. 


6. Prioritise Your Time

Discipline means focusing on what’s important, not just what’s urgent. Prioritise your tasks based on their impact on your business and personal goals. Learn to say no to distractions and low-value activities. Remember, your time is your most valuable resource—use it wisely!


7. Surround Yourself with Accountability 

It’s easy to slack off when no one is watching. Surround yourself with people who will hold you accountable—whether it’s a mentor, a coach, or a business partner. Accountability keeps you honest and ensures that you’re consistently taking steps towards your goals. - Special thank you to Sandra Benbow for being mine!


Next Steps

Building resilience and discipline isn’t something you do once and forget about—it’s a continuous process. Start implementing these strategies today, and you’ll see the difference they make in your ability to navigate challenges and stay on course. Remember, the business owners who succeed aren’t the ones who never face difficulties—they’re the ones who rise above them with resilience and discipline.

Will you be one of them? 

I have every faith that you will be!  


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